平假名 -
So now my time is up
Your game starts, my heart moving?
Past time has no meaning for us, it’s not enough!
Will we make it better or just stand here longer
Say it “we can’t end here till we can get it enough!!”
This is my own judgement!! Got nothing to say!!
Well, say it? Well, say it!!
あらばあるできくがいまは hold on!
Yeah when I’m caught in fire
When I rise up higher
Do you see me out there waiting for the next chance we get
Will we make it, IT’S NOT ENOUGH or just stand here longer
Say it “we can’t end here till we can get it enough”
かくしんはん? ちのうはん? NO NO NO!!
This is my own judgement!! Got nothing to say!!
Well, say it? Well, say it!!
You know I’ve got to be NUMBER ONE!!
When I’m caught in fire
When I rise up higher
Do you see me out there
I can’t get enough! Can’t get enough!!
羅馬拼音 -
So now my time is up
Your game starts, my heart moving?
Past time has no meaning for us, it’s not enough!
Will we make it better or just stand here longer
Say it “we can’t end here till we can get it enough!!”
Ze tta I te ki kon kyo wa u so da ra ke
I tsu da tte a ru no wa bo ku no
Ji shin ya fu an wo ka ki ma ze ta
Yo wa I yo u de tsu yo I bo ku !!
This is my own judgement!! Got nothing to say!!
Mo shi mo bo ka na ni I ka o mo I tsu kya so kkou I u sa !!
「kan zen kan ka ku Dreamer」ga bo ku no na sa
Well, say it? Well, say it!!
A ra ba a ru de ki ku ga I ma wa hold on!
Yeah when I’m caught in fire
When I rise up higher
Do you see me out there waiting for the next chance we get
Will we make it, IT’S NOT ENOUGH or just stand here longer
Say it “we can’t end here till we can get it enough”
Kan shin han ? Chi no o u han? NO NO NO!!
I tsu da tte so no ba shi no gi no
Ji ron ya ri ron wo o ri ma ze ta
Ji yu u sa yu ni-ku sa mo na ku
This is my own judgement!! Got nothing to say!!
Mo shi mo ho ka ni I ka o mo I tsu kya so kkou I u sa!!
「kan zen kan ka ku Dreamer」ga bo ku no na sa
Well, say it? Well, say it!!
You know I’ve got to be NUMBER ONE!!
Do u da i? Yo so u ga i?
Men ku ra tte, ha ba ka re te
Ko u ta i? Shi te te ttai?
Tte Yeah
Kan zen kan ka ku Dreamer de ki ku u so u!!
Da re ga na ni wo I o u ga I u wa ma I ga mu kan ke i!!
Dou ya tta tte I tsu mo ka wa ra na i
Ka be wo ya mi wo ko re ka ra bu kko wa shi te I ku sa!!
Kan zen kan ka ku Dreamer
When I’m caught in fire
When I rise up higher
Do you see me out there
I can’t get enough! Can’t get enough!!
歌詞 -
So now my time is up
Your game starts, my heart moving?
Past time has no meaning for us, it’s not enough!
Will we make it better or just stand here longer
Say it “we can’t end here till we can get it enough!!”
This is my own judgement!! Got nothing to say!!
「完全感覚 Dreamer」がボクの名さ
Well, say it? Well, say it!!
あればあるで聞くが今はhold on!
Yeah when I’m caught in fire
When I rise up higher
Do you see me out there waiting for the next chance we get
Will we make it, IT’S NOT ENOUGH or just stand here longer
Say it “we can’t end here till we can get it enough”
確信犯?知能犯? NO NO NO!!
This is my own judgement!! Got nothing to say!!
「完全感覚 Dreamer」がボクの名さ
Well, say it? Well, say it!!
You know I’ve got to be NUMBER ONE!!
面食らって、 はばかれて
完全感覚 Dreamer
When I’m caught in fire
When I rise up higher
Do you see me out there
I can’t get enough! Can’t get enough!!
平假名 / 羅馬拼音製作:林阿芒